Not always. We love our venue but we're constrained by its size. Get your ticket early to save and avoid disappointment!
No, never. Occasionally a company that has a talk accepted also chooses to sponsor HalfStack, but we have a strict policy decoupling sponsorships from speakers.
Never. We will send you a few emails with information about the event, and one email after the event with follow-up information. Beyond that, if you want to hear from us again, you may opt-in to our monthly HalfStack newsletter.
HalfStack delivers an authentic, high-quality experience and provide meals and drinks and have speakers traveling from out of the area. Because we do not compromise on attendee experience, we don't accept some sponsorship offers that ask for things that degrade the attendee experience. We want to make HalfStack inclusive for everyone that wants to attend (until we run out of seats). If you cannot afford our ticket prices and want to attend, we have opportunities for volunteers, students, diversity, and other discounts. Contact us and tell us how we can make sure you can attend HalfStack!
We are incorporated in the USA. We are VAT registered in the UK (GB316217429) and Austria (ATU74390367). You may also contact HalfStack.