Sailors Newquay
Afterparty TBD
125 Front-end / Web / JavaScript / Mobile / IoT developers and decision makersMostly from the Southwest UK, with some from through the UK, Europe and beyond

What to Expect

HalfStack events are fun, creative single-track, single-day events focused on the possibilities of the JavaScript and web ecosystem. Hosted in relaxed environments, HalfStack provides authentic, high value experiences for all attendees.

The priority for HalfStack is the attendee experience, with great food, drinks, sessions, swag, and community. Hosted by London’s original JavaScript meetup group, HalfStack has run events in Belgrade, Charlotte, London, Newquay, New York, Phoenix, and Vienna!

HalfStack carefully curates sessions that inspire and inform the audience in a highly interactive and entertaining manner. Each HalfStack event provides an intimate feeling where each attendee has time to meet one another.

Two conference speakers with dog masks on
Three smiling conference attendees with VR headsets on

Call for Proposals and Fair Pricing

Visit our CfP page for more information on proposing your amazing HalfStack session! Visit our Pricing page to understand what we charge and why.

Our Illustrious Speakers

Each of our events has between 8 and 12 sessions. We update our speaker information regularly. We usually save a few details to give you some surprises on the day of the event, including the order of the sessions.

  • Earth to Abigail
    To be revealed

    To be revealed

  • Christian Heilmann
    To be revealed

    To be revealed

  • Jo Franchetti
    To be revealed

    To be revealed

  • Leo Riviera
    Let’s talk about… joining a cult (or side projects, and how to do them right)

    HalfStack provides the ultimate showcase for side projects, so let’s talk about… joining a cult (or side projects, and how to do them right). We'll cover the 13 principles of the Cult of Done manifesto, written by Bre Pettis and Kio Stark, and how to practically apply them in software engineering and other creative endeavours!

  • Lightning
    Lightning Talks

    Want to share something you've been working on lately? Spend 2-3 minutes on stage sharing your project! First-come, first-served sign-ups on the day of the event.

  • HalfStack
    Afterparty (JS Pub Quiz and more)

    We will kick off the afterparty with Battledecks, a tech improv game. You have 5 minutes to pitch a fake tech startup from a randomly generated slide deck. Then we'll proceed in teams with our unique JS Pub Quiz! If there's interest, we'll conclude with karaoke.

Our Wonderful Sponsors

HalfStack Sponsors

There are loads of great reasons to sponsor a HalfStack event this year. Want to find out more?
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